という訳で、The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul を読むために最低限知っておきたい北欧神話のポイントを、かいつまんで説明すると――
北欧神話を含め、より詳しい The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul の解説は、以下の通り。
She stood looking down at the face of the big, Nordic man. It was a large Coca-Cola vending machine...There was also an old sledge-hammer leaning against it which was, in its own way, odd. (pp. 16-17)
第4章Furthermore he was not at all certain that his car was working.
It was an elderly Jaguar, built at that very special time in the company's history when they were making cars which had to stop for repairs more often than they needed to stop for pestrol, and frequently needed to rest for months between outings. (pp. 29-30)
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul では、登場人物の愛車が書き分けられている。ダークは故障してばかりの古いジャガーで、ケイトは黄色のシトロエン2CV、ドライコット夫妻はダークブルーのBMW、オーディンはグレーのヴァンである。
第5章He seemed generally to be casual and relaxed with his legs crossed and a half-finished cup of coffee on the small table beside him. Distressingly, though, his head was sitting nearly on the middle of the record which was revolving on the hi-fi turntable, with the tone arm snuggling up against the neck and constantly being deflected back into the same groove. (p. 38)
第6章The opening sequence showed the angel Lucifer being hurled from heaven into a pit of hell where he lay on a burning lake until a passing demon arrived and gave him a can of fizzy soft drink called sHades. (p. 51)
第7章"Knew an Irishman once. Finn something. Told me a lot of stuff I didn't know. Never told me about the linen. Still, I know now." (p. 62)
アイルランド人のフィン某とは、ケルト神話で「知恵の鮭(Salmon of Wisdom)」を食べたフィンのこと。ここでフィンが登場していることからも、未完に終わった The Salmon of Doubt は、『銀河ヒッチハイク・ガイド』の6作目ではなく、ダーク・ジェントリー・シリーズの3作目として書かれたほうがふさわしかったのではないかと思う。
第10章The electronic I Ching calculator was badly made. It had probably been manufactured in whichever of the South-East Asian country was busy tooling up to do to South Korea what South Korea was busy doing in Japan. (p. 77)
ダークが店で見つけて衝動買いした 'I Ching calcutaor' とは、易経の計算機のこと。
第11章Kate was about to introduce herself once more when she was suddenly taken completely by surprise.
"I know exactly who she is, " said Odin in a quiet but distinct voice, and there was in his eye for a moment the sense of an aerosol looking meaningfully at a wasp. (p. 113)
第12章The word "thunderbolt" seemed to have arrived in the middle of that thought without warning and she didn't know what to make of it, so she just let it lie there at the bottom of her mind, like the towel lying on her bathroom floor that she hadn't been bothered to pick up. (p. 118)
"The other thing David - that's my brother - says about him is that he has the absolute bestseller's name...The 'Bell' is done in huge silver letters, and the Howard' fits neatly accross the top in slightly narrower onces. Instant tade mark. It's publisher's magic..." (p. 130)
第15章The house began to throb and shake to the sound of the main theme of The Ride of the Valkyuries being played on a Fender Precision bass. (p. 147)
第22章"Excuse me if this sounds like a stupid question, " said Kate, "but I'm a little at sea here. I'm not used to spending the evening with someone who's got a whole day named after them. What stone were you counting in Wales?"
At that moment the house seemed to erupt as Neil launched into a thumping bass rendition of Siegfried's Rheinfahrt from Act 1 of Gotterdammerung, just to prove it could be done. (p. 178)
次にニールが弾き出したのは、やはり『ニーベルングの指輪』の4作目、『神々の黄昏』序幕「ジークフリード ラインへの道」。
第25章He retreated, miffed, and decided to prowl the streets with his hands in his pockets for a while.
Camden Passage. Antique clocks. Antique clothes. No cigarettes. (p. 193)
第28章"It's no secret that the gods have fallen on hard times, " said the old man, grimly. "That's clear for all to see, even for the ones who only care about the pigs, which is most of 'em..." (p. 222)
ヴァルハラに集う神々の大半が唯一気にかけているブタとは、ヴァルハラの宴で供される豚肉料理のこと。「ヴァルハラのひろい殿堂で、オーディンはえりぬきの英雄たちといっしょに饗宴をもよおしますが、この英雄たちはみな戦争で勇ましい討死をとげた人たちで、平和な死に方をしたものはあずからないのであります。シュリムニルと呼ばれる豚肉の馳走が食べきれないほど並べられます。この牡豚は毎朝料理に使った後、オーディンが毎晩もとの通りにしておくのでありました」(ブルフィンチ、p. 415)。
第31章Somewhat dejected, Dirk Gently put on his hat and left his newly acquired and newly relinquished client who said that he wished to be alone now and maybe turn into a rat or something like some other people he could mention. (p. 235)
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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency 関連地図The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul ストーリー紹介
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul 関連地図ラジオ・ドラマ版『ダーク・ジェントリー』
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