直角双曲線 y=a/x
y = a/x の直角双曲線についてのプログラムを作ってみました。
ゼロから、x1 或いはゼロからx2迄の積分は無限大になってしまう為出来ません。
積分∫a/x は
a log|X| (logは自然対数)となり log(1) = 0 となります。
x1 から x2の範囲の積分は、a (log(x2)-log(x1)) = a (log(x2/x1)) = s
45°回転すれば、X2/a2 - Y2/b2 = 1 又は X2/a2 - Y2/b2 = -1 の双曲線になります。
弓形部の面積や弧の長さは、45°変換された双曲線の値からX2/a2 - Y2/b2 = -1 のプログラムを使用して計算してください。
unit Main; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, VclTee.TeeGDIPlus, Vcl.StdCtrls, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.Series, Vcl.ExtCtrls, VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.Chart; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Chart1: TChart; Series1: TLineSeries; Series2: TLineSeries; Series3: TLineSeries; Series4: TPointSeries; Memo1: TMemo; Panel1: TPanel; Button1: TButton; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; LabeledEdit1: TLabeledEdit; LabeledEdit2: TLabeledEdit; LabeledEdit3: TLabeledEdit; Image1: TImage; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private 宣言 } function Datainput: boolean; procedure Calc; procedure addChartpApX; // 交点2箇所 又は1箇所 第一象限 procedure addChartpAmX; // 交点2箇所 又は1箇所 第三象限 procedure addChartmApX; // 交点2箇所 又は1箇所 第四象限 procedure addChartmAmX; // 交点2箇所 又は1箇所 第二象限 procedure addChartpAmpX; // 交点2箇所 又は無し 第一第三象限 procedure addChartmAmpX; // 交点2箇所 又は無し 第二第四象限 procedure addChartpAmBpC; // 接線 第一象限 procedure addChartpAmBmC; // 接線 第三象限 procedure addChartmApBpC; // 接線 第二象限 procedure addChartmApBmC; // 接線 第四象限 procedure GraphDraw; // 扇型部作図部 procedure Transform; // 双曲線変換計算 procedure calcarea; // x1 - x2 間面積 public { Public 宣言 } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses Math; var a, b, c: double; // 双曲線 a/x 直線 bx+c x1, y1 : double; // 交点1 x2, y2 : double; // 交点 2 crossF : integer; // 0 無し 1 接線 2,4 交点同一曲線二ヶ所 3,5 交点対象曲線 // a > 0 & b <= 0 X < 0 // 交点2箇所 又は1箇所 第三象限 procedure TForm1.addChartpAmX; var maxX, maxY: double; MaxS, MinS: double; i, n: integer; x, dx: double; ys, yc : double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 if x1 < x2 then maxX := x1 else maxX := x2; if y1 < y2 then maxY := y1 else maxY := y2; MaxS := maxY; if maxX < maxY then MaxS := maxX; MaxS := MaxS * 1.5; MinS := a / maxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i + MinS; ys := a / x; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); end; // 直線 x := 0; yc := b * x + c; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); if b <> 0 then begin yc := 0; x := -c / b; end else x := maxS; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); application.ProcessMessages; // 座標スケール設定用 x := chart1.BottomAxis.Minimum; yc := 0; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); x := 0; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); yc := chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); application.ProcessMessages; // b=0 交点一箇所時交点通過接線 if b = 0 then begin dx := -y1 / x1; // m yc := y1 - dx * x1; // c x := maxS; ys := dx * x + yc; // y = mx +c if ys > chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum then begin ys := chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum; x := (ys - yc) / dx end; Series3.AddXY(x, ys); x := 0; ys := dx * x + yc; // y = mx + c if ys < chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum then begin ys := chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum; x := (ys - yc) / dx end; Series3.AddXY(x, ys); memo1.Lines.Add('接線 y = ' + floatTostr(dx) + ' x + ' + floatTostr(yc)); end; end; // a > 0 & b <= 0 X > 0 // 交点2箇所 又は1箇所 第一象限 procedure TForm1.addChartpApX; var maxX, maxY: double; MaxS, MinS: double; i, n: integer; x, dx: double; ys, yc : double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 if x1 > x2 then maxX := x1 else maxX := x2; if y1 > y2 then maxY := y1 else maxY := y2; MaxS := maxY; if maxX > maxY then MaxS := maxX; MaxS := MaxS * 1.5; MinS := a / MaxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i + MinS; ys := a / x; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); end; // 直線 x := 0; yc := b * x + c; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); if b <> 0 then begin yc := 0; x := -c / b; end else x := MaxS; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); application.ProcessMessages; // 座標スケール設定用 x := 0; yc := chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); yc := 0; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); x := chart1.BottomAxis.Maximum; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); application.ProcessMessages; // b=0 交点一箇所時交点通過接線 if b = 0 then begin dx := -y1 / x1; // m yc := y1 - dx * x1; // c x := 0; ys := dx * x + yc; // y = mx +c if ys > chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum then begin ys := chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum; x := (ys - yc) / dx end; Series3.AddXY(x, ys); x := maxs; ys := dx * x + yc; // y = mx + c if ys < chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum then begin ys := chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum; x := (ys - yc) / dx end; Series3.AddXY(x, ys); memo1.Lines.Add('接線 y = ' + floatTostr(dx) + ' x + ' + floatTostr(yc)); end; end; // a < 0 & b >= 0 X < 0 // 交点2箇所 又は1箇所 第二象限 procedure TForm1.addChartmAmX; var maxX, maxY: double; MaxS, MinS: double; i, n: integer; x, dx: double; ys, yc : double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 if x1 < x2 then maxX := x1 else maxX := x2; if y1 < y2 then maxY := y2 else maxY := y1; MaxS := -maxY; if abs(maxX) > maxY then MaxS := maxX; MaxS := MaxS * 1.5; MinS := -a / MaxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i + MinS; ys := a / x; Series3.AddXY(x, ys); end; // 直線 x := 0; yc := b * x + c; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); if b <> 0 then begin yc := 0; x := -c / b; end else x := MaxS; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); application.ProcessMessages; // 座標スケール設定用 x := chart1.BottomAxis.Minimum; yc := 0; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); x := 0; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); yc := chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); application.ProcessMessages; // b=0 交点一箇所時交点通過接線 if b = 0 then begin dx := -y1 / x1; // m yc := y1 - dx * x1; // c x := maxs; ys := dx * x + yc; // y = mx + c if ys < chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum then begin ys := chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum; x := (ys - yc) / dx end; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); x := 0; ys := dx * x + yc; // y = mx +c if ys > chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum then begin ys := chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum; x := (ys - yc) / dx end; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); memo1.Lines.Add('接線 y = ' + floatTostr(dx) + ' x + ' + floatTostr(yc)); end; end; // a < 0 & b >= 0 x > 0 // 交点2箇所 又は1箇所 第四象限 procedure TForm1.addChartmApX; var maxX, maxY: double; MaxS, MinS: double; i, n: integer; x, dx: double; ys, yc : double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 if x1 > x2 then maxX := x1 else maxX := x2; if y1 > y2 then maxY := y2 else maxY := y1; MaxS := - maxY; if maxX > abs(maxY) then MaxS := maxX; MaxS := MaxS * 1.5; MinS := -a / maxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i + MinS; ys := a / x; Series3.AddXY(x, ys); end; // 直線 x := 0; yc := b * x + c; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); if b <> 0 then begin yc := 0; x := -c / b; end else x := MaxS; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); application.ProcessMessages; // 座標スケール設定用 x := 0; yc := chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); yc := 0; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); x := chart1.BottomAxis.Maximum; Series4.AddXY(x, yc); application.ProcessMessages; // b=0 交点一箇所時交点通過接線 if b = 0 then begin dx := -y1 / x1; // m yc := y1 - dx * x1; // c x := 0; ys := dx * x + yc; // y = mx +c if ys < chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum then begin ys := chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum; x := (ys - yc) / dx end; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); x := maxS; ys := dx * x + yc; // y = mx + c if ys > chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum then begin ys := chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum; x := (ys - yc) / dx end; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); memo1.Lines.Add('接線 y = ' + floatTostr(dx) + ' x + ' + floatTostr(yc)); end; end; // a > 0 & b > 0 // 交点2箇所 又は無し 第一第三象限 procedure TForm1.addChartpAmpX; var maxX, maxY: double; MaxS, MinS: double; i, n: integer; x, dx: double; ys, yc : double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 if abs(x1) > abs(x2) then maxX := x1 else maxX := x2; if abs(y1) > abs(y2) then maxY := y1 else maxY := y2; MaxS := maxY; if abs(maxX) > abs(maxY) then MaxS := maxX; if abs(MaxS) < 10 then MaxS := sqrt(abs(MaxS)) * 5 else MaxS := abs(MaxS) * 1.5; minS := a / MaxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i + MinS; ys := a / x; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); end; for i := n downto 0 do begin x := dx * i - MaxS; ys := a / x; Series3.AddXY(x, ys); end; application.ProcessMessages; // 直線 x := chart1.BottomAxis.Minimum; yc := b * x + c; if yc < chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum then begin yc := chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum; x := (yc - c) / b; end; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); x := chart1.BottomAxis.Maximum; yc := b * x + c; if yc > chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum then begin yc := chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum; x := (yc - c) / b; end; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); end; // a < 0 & b < 0 // 交点2箇所 又は無し 第二第四象限 procedure TForm1.addChartmAmpX; var maxX, maxY: double; MaxS, MinS: double; i, n: integer; x, dx: double; ys, yc : double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 if abs(x1) > abs(x2) then maxX := x1 else maxX := x2; if abs(y1) > abs(y2) then maxY := y1 else maxY := y2; MaxS := maxY; if abs(maxX) > abs(maxY) then MaxS := maxX; if abs(MaxS) < 10 then MaxS := sqrt(abs(MaxS)) * 5 else MaxS := abs(MaxS) * 1.5; minS := -a / MaxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i + MinS; ys := a / x; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); end; for i := n downto 0 do begin x := dx * i - MaxS; ys := a / x; Series3.AddXY(x, ys); end; application.ProcessMessages; // 直線 x := chart1.BottomAxis.Minimum; yc := b * x + c; if yc > chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum then begin yc := chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum; x := (yc - c) / b; end; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); x := chart1.BottomAxis.Maximum; yc := b * x + c; if yc < chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum then begin yc := chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum; x := (yc - c) / b; end; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); end; // a > 0 & b < 0 c > 0 // 接線 第一象限 procedure TForm1.addChartpAmBpC; var i, n: integer; MaxS, MinS: double; x, dx, ys: double; yc: double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 MaxS := x1; if y1 > x1 then MaxS := y1; if abs(MaxS) < 10 then MaxS := sqrt(abs(MaxS)) * 5 else MaxS := abs(MaxS) * 1.5; minS := a / MaxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i + MinS; ys := a / x; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); end; // 直線 yc := 0; x := -c / b; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); x := 0; yc := b * x + c; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); end; // a > 0 & b < 0 c < 0 // 接線 第三象限 procedure TForm1.addChartpAmBmC; var i, n: integer; MaxS, MinS: double; x, dx, ys: double; yc: double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 MaxS := abs(x1); if abs(y1) > abs(x1) then MaxS := y1; if abs(MaxS) < 10 then MaxS := sqrt(abs(MaxS)) * 5 else MaxS := abs(MaxS) * 1.5; minS := a / MaxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i - MaxS; ys := a / x; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); end; application.ProcessMessages; // 直線 yc := 0; x := -c / b; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); x := 0; yc := b * x + c; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); end; // a < 0 & b > 0 c > 0 // 接線 第二象限 procedure TForm1.addChartmApBpC; var i, n: integer; MaxS, MinS: double; x, dx, ys: double; yc: double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 MaxS := abs(x1); if abs(y1) > abs(x1) then MaxS := y1; if abs(MaxS) < 10 then MaxS := sqrt(abs(MaxS)) * 5 else MaxS := abs(MaxS) * 1.5; minS := -a / MaxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i - MaxS; ys := a / x; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); end; application.ProcessMessages; // 直線 yc := 0; x := -c / b; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); x := 0; yc := b * x + c; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); end; // a < 0 & b > 0 c < 0 // 接線 第四象限 procedure TForm1.addChartmApBmC; var i, n: integer; MaxS, MinS: double; x, dx, ys: double; yc: double; begin // 双曲線グラフ範囲設定 MaxS := abs(x1); if abs(y1) > abs(x1) then MaxS := y1; if abs(MaxS) < 10 then MaxS := sqrt(abs(MaxS)) * 5 else MaxS := abs(MaxS) * 1.5; minS := -a / MaxS; // 双曲線 n := 1000; dx := (MaxS - MinS) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin x := dx * i + minS; ys := a / x; Series1.AddXY(x, ys); end; application.ProcessMessages; // 直線 x := 0; yc := b * x + c; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); yc := 0; x := -c / b; Series2.AddXY(x, yc); end; // Imageに作図 同一象限交点二箇所の場合 // 扇型作図 // 扇型部の面積計算 procedure TForm1.GraphDraw; var i, n: integer; xbase, ybase: integer; ximax, yimax: integer; dx, dy, x, y: double; axmax, aymax: double; axmin, aymin: double; xi, yi : integer; dxx, dx2 : double; ds, s : double; begin image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clSkyblue; image1.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid; image1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 2; // Axisの最小値最大値 axmin := chart1.BottomAxis.Minimum; axmax := chart1.BottomAxis.Maximum; aymin := chart1.LeftAxis.Minimum; aymax := chart1.LeftAxis.Maximum; if (a > 0) and (b < 0) and (c > 0) then begin // 第一象限 // 座標値の最小値最大値 xbase := Series4.CalcXPos(1); ybase := Series4.CalcYPos(0); ximax := Series4.CalcXPos(2); yimax := Series4.CalcYPos(1); // 交点と原点間線引き dx := (ximax - xbase) / (axmax - axmin); dy := (yimax - ybase) / (aymax - aymin); xi := round(x1 * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y1) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xbase, yimax); xi := round(x2 * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y2) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xbase, yimax); // 塗りつぶし n := (xi - xbase) div 4; if n < 2 then n := 2; dxx := x2 / n; image1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 1; for i := 1 to n - 1 do begin x := i * dxx; y := y2 / x2 * x; xi := round(x * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); if x < x1 then y := y1 / x1 * x else y := a / x; yi := round((aymax - y) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, yi); end; // x1, x2 位置の線 image1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 2; image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed; xi := round(x1 * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y1) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, yimax); image1.Canvas.TextOut(xi - 5, yimax,'x1'); xi := round(x2 * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y2) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, yimax); image1.Canvas.TextOut(xi - 5, yimax,'x2'); // 面積計算 n := (xi - xbase) * 100; if n < 100 then n := 100; dxx := x2 / n; dx2 := dxx / 2; s := 0; for i := 0 to n - 1 do begin x := i * dxx + dx2; y := y2 / x2 * x; if x < x1 then dy := y1 / x1 * x else dy := a / x; ds := (dy - y) * dxx; s := s + ds; end; memo1.Lines.Add('扇部分割面積計算 = ' + floatTostr(s)); ds := ln(x2 / x1) * abs(a); memo1.Lines.Add('扇部対数面積計算 = ' + floatTostr(ds)); end; if (a > 0) and (b < 0) and (c < 0) then begin // 第三象限 // 座標値の最小値最大値 xbase := Series4.CalcXPos(0); ybase := Series4.CalcYPos(0); ximax := Series4.CalcXPos(1); yimax := Series4.CalcYPos(2); // 交点と原点間線引き dx := (ximax - xbase) / (axmax - axmin); dy := (yimax - ybase) / (aymax - aymin); xi := round((x1 - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y1) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(ximax, ybase); xi := round((x2 - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y2) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(ximax, ybase); // 塗りつぶし n := (ximax - xi) div 4; if n < 2 then n := 2; dxx := x2 / n; image1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 1; for i := 1 to n - 1 do begin x := i * dxx; y := y2 / x2 * x; xi := round((x - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); if x > x1 then y := y1 / x1 * x else y := a / x; yi := round((aymax - y) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, yi); end; // x1, x2 位置の線 image1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 2; image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed; xi := round((x1 - axmin)* dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y1) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, ybase); image1.Canvas.TextOut(xi - 5, ybase - 20,'x1'); xi := round((x2 - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y2) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, ybase); image1.Canvas.TextOut(xi - 5, ybase - 20,'x2'); // 面積計算 n := (ximax - xi) * 100; if n < 100 then n := 100; dxx := x2 / n; dx2 := dxx / 2; s := 0; for i := 0 to n - 1 do begin x := i * dxx + dx2; y := y2 / x2 * x; if x > x1 then dy := y1 / x1 * x else dy := a / x; ds := (dy - y) * dxx; s := s + ds; end; memo1.Lines.Add('扇部分割面積計算 = ' + floatTostr(s)); ds := ln(x2 / x1) * abs(a); memo1.Lines.Add('扇部対数面積計算 = ' + floatTostr(ds)); end; if (a < 0) and (b > 0) and (c > 0) then begin // 第二象限 // 座標値の最小値最大値 xbase := Series4.CalcXPos(0); ybase := Series4.CalcYPos(2); ximax := Series4.CalcXPos(1); yimax := Series4.CalcYPos(1); // 交点と原点間線引き dx := (ximax - xbase) / (axmax - axmin); dy := (yimax - ybase) / (aymax - aymin); xi := round((x1 - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y1) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(ximax, yimax); xi := round((x2 - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y2) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(ximax, yimax); // 塗りつぶし n := (ximax - xi) div 4; if n < 2 then n := 2; dxx := x2 / n; image1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 1; for i := 1 to n - 1 do begin x := i * dxx; y := y2 / x2 * x; xi := round((x - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); if x > x1 then y := y1 / x1 * x else y := a / x; yi := round((aymax - y) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, yi); end; // x1, x2 位置の線 image1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 2; image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed; xi := round((x1 - axmin)* dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y1) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, yimax); image1.Canvas.TextOut(xi - 5, yimax,'x1'); xi := round((x2 - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y2) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, yimax); image1.Canvas.TextOut(xi - 5, yimax,'x2'); // 面積計算 n := (ximax - xi) * 100; if n < 100 then n := 100; dxx := x2 / n; dx2 := dxx / 2; s := 0; for i := 0 to n - 1 do begin x := i * dxx + dx2; y := y2 / x2 * x; if x > x1 then dy := y1 / x1 * x else dy := a / x; ds := (y - dy) * dxx; s := s + ds; end; memo1.Lines.Add('扇部分割面積計算 = ' + floatTostr(s)); ds := ln(x2 / x1) * abs(a); memo1.Lines.Add('扇部対数面積計算 = ' + floatTostr(ds)); end; if (a < 0) and (b > 0) and (c < 0) then begin // 第四象限 // 座標値の最小値最大値 xbase := Series4.CalcXPos(1); ybase := Series4.CalcYPos(1); ximax := Series4.CalcXPos(2); yimax := Series4.CalcYPos(0); // 交点と原点間線引き dx := (ximax - xbase) / (axmax - axmin); dy := (yimax - ybase) / (aymax - aymin); xi := round((x1 - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y1) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xbase, ybase); xi := round((x2 - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y2) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xbase, ybase); // 塗りつぶし n := (xi - xbase) div 4; if n < 2 then n := 2; dxx := x2 / n; image1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 1; for i := 1 to n - 1 do begin x := i * dxx; y := y2 / x2 * x; xi := round((x - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); if x < x1 then y := y1 / x1 * x else y := a /x; yi := round((aymax - y) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, yi); end; // x1, x2 位置の線 image1.Canvas.Pen.Width := 2; image1.Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed; xi := round((x1 - axmin)* dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y1) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, ybase); image1.Canvas.TextOut(xi - 5, ybase - 20,'x1'); xi := round((x2 - axmin) * dx) + xbase; yi := round((aymax - y2) * dy) + ybase; image1.Canvas.MoveTo(xi, yi); image1.Canvas.lineTo(xi, ybase); image1.Canvas.TextOut(xi - 5, ybase - 20,'x2'); // 面積計算 n := (xi - xbase) * 100; if n < 100 then n := 100; dxx := x2 / n; dx2 := dxx / 2; s := 0; for i := 0 to n - 1 do begin x := i * dxx + dx2; y := y2 / x2 * x; if x < x1 then dy := y1 / x1 * x else dy := a / x; ds := (y - dy) * dxx; s := s + ds; end; memo1.Lines.Add('扇部分割面積計算 = ' + floatTostr(s)); ds := ln(x2 / x1) * abs(a); memo1.Lines.Add('扇部対数面積計算 = ' + floatTostr(ds)); end; chart1.BackImage.Bitmap := Image1.Picture.Bitmap; end; // 双曲線と直線の交点計算 procedure TForm1.Calc; var a0, b0, c0: double; rt, e: double; begin a0 := b; b0 := c; c0 := -a; x1 := 0; y1 := 0; x2 := 0; y2 := 0; crossF := 0; // 交点なし // 二次方程式の解法 rt := b0 * b0 - 4 * a0 * c0; if rt < 0 then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('交点無し'); exit; end; if rt = 0 then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('接線'); x1 := (-b0 / 2 / a0); y1 := b * x1 + c; x2 := x1; y2 := y1; crossF := 1; // 接線 Memo1.Lines.Add('x, y = ' + floattostr(x1) + ', ' + floattostr(y1)); exit; end; if rt > 0 then begin if b <> 0 then Memo1.Lines.Add('交点二ヶ所') else Memo1.Lines.Add('交点一ヶ所'); if (a > 0) and (b <= 0) then crossF := 2; // 第一第三象限交点二箇所 if (a > 0) and (b > 0) then crossF := 3; // 第二第四象限交点二箇所 if (a < 0) and (b >= 0) then crossF := 4; // 第一三象限交差 if (a < 0) and (b < 0) then crossF := 5; // 第二四象限交差 e := sqrt(rt); if a0 <> 0 then begin x1 := (-b0 + e) / 2 / a0; x2 := (-b0 - e) / 2 / a0; if abs(x1) > abs(x2) then begin rt := x1; x1 := x2; x2 := rt; end; y1 := b * x1 + c; y2 := b * x2 + c; end else begin y1 := c; y2 := c; x1 := a / y1; x2 := a / y2; end; Memo1.Lines.Add('交点 x1, y1 = ' + floattostr(x1) + ', ' + floattostr(y1)); Memo1.Lines.Add('交点 x2, y2 = ' + floattostr(x2) + ', ' + floattostr(y2)); end; end; // X^2/a^2 - Y^2/b^2 = -1 への変換 // (45°角度変換) procedure TForm1.Transform; var Q0, Q1, X01, Y01: double; r2a, b0, c0: double; begin memo1.Lines.Add(''); memo1.Lines.Add('双曲線変換 X^2/a''^2 - Y^2/b''^2 = -1 y = αx+c'''); r2a := sqrt(abs(a) * 2); // √2 * √a Q0 := arctan(b); if a > 0 then Q1 := Q0 + pi / 4 else Q1 := Q0 - pi / 4; memo1.Lines.Add('a'' = ' + floatTostr(r2a)); memo1.Lines.Add('b'' = ' + floatTostr(r2a)); if (abs(b) = 1) and (a * b > 0) then begin // 直線が垂直になる場合 c0 := sin(pi / 4) * abs(c); // 垂直線の位置絶対値 if a > 0 then begin // aの値とcの値で符号設定 if c > 0 then c0 := -c0; end else if c < 0 then c0 := -c0; memo1.Lines.Add('直線垂直 X'' = ' + floatTostr(c0)); end else begin // 直線が垂直でない場合 b0 := tan(Q1); X01 := c / sqrt(2); Y01 := c / sqrt(2); if a > 0 then c0 := Y01 + b0 * X01 else c0 := Y01 - b0 * X01; memo1.Lines.Add('α = ' + floatTostrF(b0, ffFixed, 15,13)); memo1.Lines.Add('c'' = ' + floatTostr(c0)); end; end; // x2 - x1 間面積 procedure TForm1.calcarea; var i, n: integer; x, y: double; dx, dx2: double; ds, s, sl: double; l1, l2 : double; an: double; x1n, x2n: double; begin an := abs(a); x1n := abs(x1); x2n := abs(x2); n := round((x2n - x1n) * 5000); dx := (x2n - x1n) / n; dx2 := dx / 2; s := 0; for i := 0 to n - 1 do begin x := i * dx + dx2 + x1n; y := an / x; ds := y * dx; s := s + ds; end; memo1.Lines.Add('x2-x1分割面積= ' + floatTostr(s)); l1 := an * ln(x1n); l2 := an * ln(x2n); sl := l2 - l1; memo1.Lines.Add('x2-x1 面積 = ' + floatTostr(sl)); end; // データー入力処理 function TForm1.Datainput: boolean; var ch : integer; begin Result := False; val(LabeledEdit1.Text, a, ch); if ch <> 0 then begin application.MessageBox('双曲線 a の値に間違いがあります。','注意',0); exit; end; if a = 0 then begin application.MessageBox('a の値がゼロです、ゼロでは計算出来ません。','注意',0); exit; end; val(LabeledEdit2.Text, b, ch); if ch <> 0 then begin application.MessageBox('直線 b の値に間違いがあります。','注意',0); exit; end; val(LabeledEdit3.Text, c, ch); if ch <> 0 then begin application.MessageBox('直線 c の値に間違いがあります。','注意',0); exit; end; Result := True; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if not Datainput then exit; Button1.Enabled := False; image1.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; image1.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; image1.Canvas.FillRect(rect(0, 0, image1.Width,image1.Height)); chart1.BackImage.Bitmap := Image1.Picture.Bitmap; Memo1.Clear; Series1.Clear; // y=a/x Series2.Clear; // y=bx + c Series3.Clear; // y=a/x Series4.Clear; // スケール Calc; // 計算 if crossF = 0 then begin // 交点なし x1 := a / 5; x2 := a * 5; y1 := x2; y2 := x1; if a > 0 then addChartpAmpX else addChartmAmpX; end; if crossF = 2 then if x1 > 0 then addChartpApX // 第一象限交点二箇所 else addChartpAmX; // 第三象限交点二箇所 if crossF = 4 then if x1 > 0 then addChartmApX // 第二象限交点二箇所 else addChartmAmX; // 第四象限交点二箇所 if crossF = 3 then addChartpAmpX; // 第一第三象限交差 if crossF = 5 then addChartmAmpX; // 第二第四象限交差 if crossF = 1 then begin // 接線 if (a > 0) and (b < 0) and (c > 0) then addChartpAmBpC; // 第一象限接線 if (a > 0) and (b < 0) and (c < 0) then addChartpAmBmC; // 第三象限接線 if (a < 0) and (b > 0) and (c > 0) then addChartmApBpC; // 第二象限接線 if (a < 0) and (b > 0) and (c < 0) then addChartmApBmC; // 第四象限接線 end; application.ProcessMessages; if ((crossF = 2) or (crossF = 4)) and (b <> 0) then begin image1.Canvas.Font.Size := 11; calcarea; // x2 - x1 面積 GraphDraw; // 面積計算と作図 end; Transform; // 双曲線変換計算 Button1.Enabled := True; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var tb : Tbitmap; begin Image1.Width := Chart1.Width; Image1.Height := Chart1.Height; tb := Tbitmap.Create; tb.Width := Chart1.Width; tb.Height := Chart1.Height; Image1.Picture.Bitmap := tb; Image1.Visible := False; Memo1.Clear; Memo1.Font.Size := 11; Series1.Clear; // y=a/x Series2.Clear; // y=bx + c Series3.Clear; // y=a/x Series4.Clear; // y=a/x Series4.AddXY(0, 5); Series4.AddXY(0, 0); Series4.AddXY(5, 0); Panel1.Caption := ''; LabeledEdit1.Font.Size := 11; LabeledEdit1.Alignment := taCenter; LabeledEdit1.EditLabel.Font.Size := 11; LabeledEdit1.EditLabel.Caption := 'a'; LabeledEdit1.Text := '1'; LabeledEdit2.Font.Size := 11; LabeledEdit2.Alignment := taCenter; LabeledEdit2.EditLabel.Font.Size := 11; LabeledEdit2.EditLabel.Caption := 'b'; LabeledEdit2.Text := '-1'; LabeledEdit3.Font.Size := 11; LabeledEdit3.Alignment := taCenter; LabeledEdit3.EditLabel.Font.Size := 11; LabeledEdit3.EditLabel.Caption := 'c'; LabeledEdit3.Text := '5'; Label1.Font.Style := [fsBold]; Label1.Font.Size := 11; Label1.Caption := '双曲線' + #13#10 + 'y = a/x'; Label2.Font.Style := [fsBold]; Label2.Font.Size := 11; Label2.Caption := '直線' + #13#10 + 'y = bx + c'; Button1.Caption := '計 算'; tb.Free; end; end.rectangular_hyperbola.zip