2020/11/28 C言語辞典のゼータ関数を修正した計算マイナス側の計算精度向上の為、マイナス側の計算式追加。
2020/11/22 C言語辞典のゼータ関数を修正した計算の計算精度UPの為の変更
double ->
extended 変更
次のプログラムはMathematics Source Library C & ASM の
riemann_zeta_function.c をDelphiに変換したものです。
unit main; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, system.Math, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.ExtCtrls, VclTee.TeeGDIPlus, VCLTee.Series, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.Chart, system.UITypes; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; BitBtn1: TBitBtn; LabeledEdit1: TLabeledEdit; Chart1: TChart; Series1: TLineSeries; Series2: TLineSeries; Series3: TPointSeries; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private 宣言 } public { Public 宣言 } end; var Form1: TForm1; LDBL_EPSILON : extended; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses dirichlet_eta; function xRiemann_Zeta_Function(s: extended): extended; forward; function xRiemann_Zeta_Star_Function(s: extended): extended; forward; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // function Riemann_Zeta_Function(s: double): double; // // Description: // The Riemann zeta function is defined as: // zeta(s) = Sum (1/k^s), // summed over k = 1,... where s is a complex number with Re(s) > 1, // then analytically continued to the rest of the complex plane save for // a simple pole at s = 1. // This routine calculates the Riemann zeta function for real s != 1. // If s = 1, DBL_MAX is returned. // If zeta(s) > DBL_MAX, then DBL_MAX is returned and // if zeta(s) < -DBL_MAX, then -DBL_MAX is returned. Note that // lim zeta(s) = -inf where s->1 from the left and lim zeta(s) = inf // where s->1 from the right. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Riemann_Zeta_Function(s: double): double; var zeta: extended; begin if s = 1.0 then begin result := MAXDouble; exit; end; zeta := xRiemann_Zeta_Function(s); if abs(zeta) < MAXDouble then begin result := zeta; exit; end; if zeta >= MAXDouble then result := MAXDouble else result := -MAXDouble; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // function xRiemann_Zeta_Function(s: extended): extended // // Description: // The Riemann zeta function is defined as: // zeta(s) = Sum (1/k^s), // summed over k = 1,... where s is a complex number with Re(s) > 1, // then analytically continued to the rest of the complex plane save for // a simple pole at s = 1. // This routine calculates the Riemann zeta function for real s != 1. // If s = 1, LDBL_MAX is returned. // lim zeta(s) = -inf where s->1 from the left and lim zeta(s) = inf // where s->1 from the right. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function xRiemann_Zeta_Function(s: extended): extended; begin if s = 1.0 then begin result := MAXExtended; exit; end; result := xDirichlet_Eta_Function(s) / (1.0 - power(2.0, 1.0 - s)); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // function Riemann_Zeta_Star_Function(s: double): double; // // Description: // This routine calculates the Riemann zeta star function defined as // zeta*(s) = zeta(s) - 1, // where zeta() is the Riemann zeta function for real s != 1. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Riemann_Zeta_Star_Function(s: double): double; var x: extended; begin x := xRiemann_Zeta_Star_Function(s); if abs(x) < MaxDouble then begin result := x; exit; end else if x > 0.0 then result :=MAXDouble else result := - MAXDouble; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // function xRiemann_Zeta_Star_Function(s : extended): extended; // // Description: // This routine calculates the Riemannt zeta star function defined as // zeta*(s) = zeta(s) - 1, // where zeta() is the Riemann zeta function for real s != 1. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function xRiemann_Zeta_Star_Function(s: extended): extended; var two_s: extended; eta: extended; temp: extended; begin two_s := power(2.0, s - 1.0); eta := xDirichlet_Eta_Star_Function(s); if s = 1.0 then begin result := MAXDouble; exit; end; if s < 0.0 then begin two_s := 1.0 / two_s; result := (eta + two_s) / (1.0 - two_s); exit; end; temp := two_s - 1.0; result := (two_s * eta + 1.0) / temp; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 計算の実行とグラフ作成 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); const n = 400; var zeta: double; star: double; s : double; i : integer; min, max, dx: double; begin val(LabeledEdit1.Text, s, i); if i <> 0 then begin MessageDlg('xの値に間違いがあります。', mtInformation, [mbOk], 0, mbOk); exit; end; zeta := Riemann_Zeta_Function(s); star := Riemann_Zeta_Star_Function(s); Memo1.Clear; Memo1.Lines.Add('ζ関数'); // s = 1の時はMaxDoubleになるので∞を表示 if s <> 1 then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('ζ(x) = ' + floatTostr(zeta)); Memo1.Lines.Text := Memo1.Lines.Text + 'ζ(x) - 1 = ' + floatTostr(star); // Memo1.Lines.Add('ζ(x) - 1 = ' + floatTostr(star)); end else begin Memo1.Lines.Add('ζ(x) = ∞'); Memo1.Lines.Text := Memo1.Lines.Text + 'ζ(x) - 1 = ∞'; end; Series1.Clear; Series2.Clear; Series3.Clear; // グラフ表示の演算精度はSingle if abs(zeta) < MaxSingle then Series3.AddXY(s, zeta); min := round(s - 2); max := round(s + 3); dx := (max - min) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin s := i * dx + min; zeta := Riemann_Zeta_Function(s); if abs(zeta) < 30 then if s < 1 then Series1.AddXY(s, zeta) else Series2.AddXY(s, zeta); end; end; //------------------------------------------- // extended の Epsilon 設定 //------------------------------------------- procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var d, m: extended; begin Memo1.Clear; LDBL_EPSILON := 1; d := 1; repeat LDBL_EPSILON := LDBL_EPSILON / 2; m := d + LDBL_EPSILON; until m = d; LDBL_EPSILON := LDBL_EPSILON * 2; end; end.
unit dirichlet_eta; interface function xDirichlet_Eta_Function(s : extended): extended; function xDirichlet_Eta_Star_Function(s: extended): extended; implementation uses system.math, Gamma_Function, main; //function xDirichlet_Eta_Star_Function(s: extended): extended; forward; function Alternating_Series_Convergence_Acceleration(s: extended): extended; forward; function Sum_Reverse_Order(s : extended): extended; forward; function Reflection_Coefficient(s: extended): extended; forward; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // function Dirichlet_Eta_Function(s: extended): extended; // // このルーチンは、実数のEta関数を計算します // eta(s)=(1-2 ^(1-s))zeta(s)、 // ここで、zeta()はリーマンゼータ関数です。s> 1の場合、 // eta(s)= Sum(-1)^(k-1)(1 / k ^ s)、 // ここで、合計は k = 1...eta(1)= ln(2) // // s <1の場合、反射式が使用されることに注意してください // s << 0の場合 eta(s)の傾きは、大きさが大きく、摂動が小さい // 引数は大きな絶対誤差を作成する可能性があります。 //----------------------------------------------------------------------- function xDirichlet_Eta_Function(s : extended): extended; begin if (s >= 64.0) then begin result := 1.0; exit; end; result := 1.0 + xDirichlet_Eta_Star_Function(s); end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function xDirichlet_Eta_Star_Function(s: extended): extended; // このルーチンは、次のように定義されたDirichlet's eta関数を計算します // eta *(s)= eta(s)-1、 // ここで、eta()はディリクレのイータ関数です。// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function xDirichlet_Eta_Star_Function(s: extended): extended; var reflection_coefficientd: extended; begin if s >= 0.0 then begin if s < 18.0 then result := Alternating_Series_Convergence_Acceleration(s) else result := Sum_Reverse_Order(s); exit; end; // Use the reflection formula reflection_coefficientd := Reflection_Coefficient(s); result := reflection_coefficientd * xDirichlet_Eta_Star_Function(1.0 - s) + (reflection_coefficientd - 1.0); end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function Reflection_Coefficient(s: extended): extemded; // ディリクレのイータ関数の反射公式は次のとおりです。 // eta(s)= {[2 *(1-2 ^(1-s))/(1-2 ^ s)] *Gamma(1-s) // (2 * pi)^(1-s)* cos((1-s)* pi / 2)} * eta(1-s) // ここで、s <0は負の実数です。 // // このルーチンは係数を返します // [2 *(1-2^(1-s))/(1-2^s)]Gamma(1-s)/(2 * pi)^(1-s)*cos((1-s)* pi/2) // ここで、s <0は負の実数です。 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Reflection_Coefficient(s: extended): extended; var one_s: extended; k : integer; v : extended; c : extended; x, temp : extended; begin one_s := 1.0 - s; k := trunc(one_s / 4.0); v := one_s - 4.0 * k; c := cos(v * pi / 2); if abs(c) < 1.8 * LDBL_EPSILON then begin result := 0.0; exit; end; temp := power(2.0, one_s); x := (1.0 - temp) / (temp - 2.0); x := x + x; x := x * c; x := x * xGamma_Function(one_s); x := x / power(pi, one_s); result := x; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function Alternating_Series_Convergence_Acceleration(s: extended): extended; // このルーチンは、s <= 18のEta関数を計算します。 // ゆっくりと収束します。 // Technique: // Given an alternating series: Sum (-1)^k a[k] summmed over k = 0,... // where a[k] > 0 for all k. If there exits a positive function w(x) // defined on [0,1] such that a[k] = I[0,1] x^k w(x) dx (the integral // from 0 to 1 with respect to x of x^k w(x), then // Sum (-1)^k a[k] = Sum (-1)^k I[0,1] x^k w(x) dx // = I[0,1] Sum (-1)^k x^k w(x) dx // = I[0,1] w(x) / (1 + x) dx // // Let S = I[0,1] w(x) / (1 + x) dx. // Given a polynomial P(x) of degree n such that P(-1) != 0, // P(x) = p[0] - p[1] x + p[2] x^2 - ... (-1)^n p[n] x^n, // define S[n] = I[0,1] (P(-1) - P(x)) w(x) / (1+x) dx / P(-1). // Then S[n] = S - I[0,1] P(x) w(x) / (1+x) dx / P(-1) // so, |S[n] - S| <= I[0,1] |P(x)| w(x) / (1+x) dx / |P(x)| // |S[n] - S| <= (M / |P(-1)|) S, where M = max |P(x)|, x in [0,1]. // // After a little algebra, // S[n] = (1/P(-1)) Sum Sum p[j] [(-1)^k a[k]], // where the first sum is over k = 0,...,n-1 and the second sum is over // j = k+1,...,n. // Let d[k] = Sum p[j] summed for j = k+1,...,n for k = n-1, ..., 0, then // S[n] = (1/c[0]) Sum d[k] (-1)^k a[k] summed k = 0,...,n-1. // // The choice for P(x) programmed here is (-1)^n * T*[n](x), where T*[n] // is the shifted Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind of degree n. // With this choice of P(x), // P(x) = Sum {( n / (n+j) ) C(n+j,2j) 4^j (-x)^j}, // where the sum is over j = 0,...,n and C(n+j,2j) = (n+j)!/[(2j)!(n-j)!] // and M = 1, P(-1) >= (1/2) (3 + sqrt(8))^n. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Alternating_Series_Convergence_Acceleration(s: extended): extended; const d: array[0..28] of extended = ( 1.362725501650887306817e+21, 1.362725501650887306816e+21, 1.362725501650887305248e+21, 1.362725501650886896000e+21, 1.362725501650844334208e+21, 1.362725501648488235008e+21, 1.362725501568066715648e+21, 1.362725499718371770368e+21, 1.362725469310199922688e+21, 1.362725096810094788608e+21, 1.362721590926752350208e+21, 1.362695647390018306048e+21, 1.362542007743905005568e+21, 1.361803869444099801088e+21, 1.358896740140251611136e+21, 1.349437033675348770816e+21, 1.323863206542645919744e+21, 1.266218975223368122368e+21, 1.157712186857668739072e+21, 9.872015194258554224640e+20, 7.640581139674368573440e+20, 5.220333434317674905600e+20, 3.061506212814840135680e+20, 1.496014168469232680960e+20, 5.884825485587356057600e+19, 1.781624012587768217600e+19, 3.882102878793367552000e+18, 5.404319552844595200000e+17, 3.602879701896396800000e+16); var term: array[0..27] of extended; sum: extended; k: integer; begin k := 0; while k <= 27 do begin term[k] := d[k + 1] * power(k + 2,-s); inc(k); term[k] := -d[k + 1] * power(k + 2,-s); inc(k) end; sum := term[27]; for k := 26 downto 0 do sum := sum + term[k]; sum := sum / d[0]; result := -sum; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // long double Sum_Reverse_Order(long double s)// // // このルーチンは、s> = 18のEta関数を計算します(power()への呼び出しは28未満) // eta(s)= Sum(-1)^(k-1)(1 / k ^ s)、 // ここで、合計はk = 1、...で合計されます // // Since the series is alternating, the absolute error is less than the // absolute value of the first neglected term. The number of terms which // are summed is determined by calculating successive lower and upper // bounds until the two bounds are equal (within truncation errors). // The final result is then summed starting with the last term and // terminating with the first term, (this is slightly more accurate). //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Sum_Reverse_Order(s : extended): extended; var term: array[0..29] of extended; lower_bound: extended; upper_bound: extended; sum: extended; k: integer; begin lower_bound := -power(2.0, -s); term[0] := lower_bound; term[1] := power(3.0 ,-s); upper_bound := term[1] + lower_bound; if lower_bound = upper_bound then begin result := upper_bound; exit; end; k := 4; while k <= 31 do begin term[k-2] := -power(k, -s); lower_bound := upper_bound + term[k - 2]; if lower_bound = upper_bound then break; inc(k); term[k - 2] := power(k, -s); upper_bound := lower_bound + term[ k- 2]; if lower_bound = upper_bound then break; inc(k); end; k := k - 2; sum := term[k]; for k := k - 1 downto 0 do sum := sum + term[k]; result := sum; end; end.
unit Gamma_Function; interface function xGamma_Function(x: extended): extended; implementation uses system.math; const LONG_MAX = 2147483647; max_long_double_arg: extended = 1755.5; g = 9.65657815377331589457187; e = 2.71828182845904523536028747; exp_g_o_sqrt_2pi = 6.23316569877722552586386e+3; a: array[0..8] of extended = ( +1.14400529453851095667309e+4, -3.23988020152318335053598e+4, +3.50514523505571666566083e+4, -1.81641309541260702610647e+4, +4.63232990536666818409138e+3, -5.36976777703356780555748e+2, +2.28754473395181007645155e+1, -2.17925748738865115560082e-1, +1.08314836272589368860689e-4 ); function xGamma(x: extended): extended; forward; //============================================================================= // // この関数はLanczosの式を使用して実際のGamma(x)を計算します。 // xの範囲は -(max_long_double_arg-1) < x < max_long_double_arg。 // ガンマ関数は複素平面で有理型であり、正でない整数の値 // xaの正の整数または半分の正の整数をテストすると、 // 最大絶対相対誤差は約3.5e-16です。 // // x > max_long_double_argの場合、lnGamma(x)を使用する必要があります。 // x < 0 の場合、ln(Gamma(x)) は複素数になる可能性があることに注意してください。 // // 戻り値 // xが正で、max_long_double_argより小さい場合、Gamma(x) // が返され、x > max_long_double_argの場合、maxextendedが返されます。 // xが正でない整数の場合、maxextendedが // 返されます(Gamma(x)は値の両側で符号を変更することに注意してください)。 // xが非正の非整数の場合でx>-(max_long_double_arg + 1)の場合 // Gamma(x)が返されます。それ以外の場合は0.0が返されます // //============================================================================= function xGamma_Function(x: extended): extended; var sin_x: extended; rg: extended; ix: int64; begin if x > 0 then if x <= max_long_double_arg then begin result := xGamma(x); exit; end else begin result := maxextended; exit; end; if x > -LONG_MAX then begin ix := round(x); if x = ix then begin result := maxextended; exit; end; end; sin_x := sin(pi * x); if sin_x = 0 then begin result := maxextended; exit; end; if x < - max_long_double_arg - 1 then begin result := 0; exit; end; rg := xGamma(1 - x) * sin_x / pi; if rg <> 0 then result := 1 / rg else result := maxextended; end; //============================================================================= // // この関数は倍数公式を使用してGamma(two_x)を返します。 // //============================================================================= function Duplication_Formula(two_x: extended): extended; var x: extended; g: extended; n: integer; begin x := 0.5 * two_x; n := round(two_x) - 1; g := power(2.0, two_x - 1.0 - n); g := g * power(2, n); g := g / sqrt(pi); g := g * xGamma_Function(x); g := g * xGamma_Function(x + 0.5); result := g; end; //============================================================================= // // この関数はLanczosの式を使用して実際のGamma(x)を計算します。 // x、ここで0<x<=900。900<x<1755.5の場合、倍数公式を使用します。 // 関数power()。結果の相対誤差は約10^-16です。x = 0付近を除きます。 // x>1755.5の場合、lnGamma(x)を計算する必要があります。 // xが正で1755.5未満の場合、Gamma(x)が返され、 // x>1755.5の場合、maxextendedが返されます。 // //============================================================================= function xGamma(x: extended): extended; var xx: extended; temp: extended; n, i: integer; xx2 : extended; begin if x < 1 then xx := x + 1 else xx := x; n := sizeof(a) div sizeof(extended); if x > max_long_double_arg then begin result := maxextended; exit; end; if x > 900 then begin result := Duplication_Formula(x); exit; end; temp := 0; for i := n - 1 downto 0 do temp := temp + a[i] / (xx + i); temp := temp + 1; xx2 := (xx - 0.5) / 2; temp := temp * (power((g + xx - 0.5) / e, xx2) / exp_g_o_sqrt_2pi ); temp := temp * power((g + xx - 0.5) / e, xx2); // X64 オーバーフロー対策 if x < 1 then result := temp / x else result := temp; end; end.
2020/11/28 C言語辞典のゼータ関数を修正した計算マイナス側の計算精度向上の為、マイナス側の計算式追加。
2020/11/22 計算精度UPの為の変更
double -> extended 変更 x がマイナスの時の精度向上
unit Main; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.ExtCtrls, VclTee.TeeGDIPlus, VCLTee.Series, VCLTee.TeEngine, VCLTee.TeeProcs, VCLTee.Chart; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; BitBtn1: TBitBtn; LabeledEdit1: TLabeledEdit; Chart1: TChart; Series1: TLineSeries; Series2: TPointSeries; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private 宣言 } public { Public 宣言 } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses system.Math; var GrphF: boolean; function Gamma(x: Extended): Extended; // ガンマ関数 const //ベルヌーイ数B(2)、B(4)、B(6)、...、B(16) B : array[1..8] of Extended = ( 1.0 / 6, // B(2) -1.0 / 30, 1.0 / 42, -1.0 / 30, 5.0 / 66, -691.0 / 2730, 7.0 / 6, -3617.0 / 510); // B(16) m: integer = sizeof(B) div sizeof(Extended); var i : integer; sum : Extended; xx, v : Extended; xj : Extended; lng : Extended; ln_sqrt_2pi: Extended; begin ln_sqrt_2pi := ln(sqrt(2 * pi)); // = ln(2 * pi) / 2; sum := 0; v := 1; while x < m do begin v := v * x; x := x + 1; end; xx := x * x; xj := x; lng := ln_sqrt_2pi - x + (x - 0.5) * ln(x) - ln(v); for i := 1 to m do begin sum := sum + B[i] / (i * 2 * (2 * i - 1)) / xj; xj := xj * xx; end; result := exp(sum + lng); end; function Riemann_Zeta_Function(x: Extended): Extended; const coef: array[0..19] of Extended = ( 8.333333333333333333333333333e-2, // 1/12 -1.388888888888888888888888889e-3, // -1/720 3.306878306878306878306878307e-5, // 1/30240 -8.267195767195767195767195767e-7, // -1/1209600 2.087675698786809897921009032e-8, // 1/47900160 -5.284190138687493184847682202e-10, 1.338253653068467883282698098e-11, -3.389680296322582866830195391e-13, 8.586062056277844564135905450e-15, -2.174868698558061873041516424e-16, 5.509002828360229515202652609e-18, -1.395446468581252334070768626e-19, 3.534707039629467471693229977e-21, -8.953517427037546850402611251e-23, 2.267952452337683060310950058e-24, -5.744790668872202445263829503e-26, 1.455172475614864901866244572e-27, -3.685994940665310178130050728e-29, 9.336734257095044668660153106e-31, -2.365022415700629886484029550e-32 ); var i, N : integer; powNx, w, z, zprev: Extended; begin if x = 1 then begin result := infinity; exit; end; z := 1; zprev := z; N := 8; for i := 2 to N - 1 do begin zprev := z; z := z + power(i, -x); if z = zprev then begin result := z; exit; end; end; powNx := power(N, x); w := x / (N * powNx); z := z + 0.5 / powNx + N / ((x - 1) * powNx) + coef[0] * w; i := 1; while (i < 20) and (z <> zprev) do begin w := w * (x + 2 * i - 1) * (x + 2 * i) / (N * N); zprev := z; z := z + coef[i] * w; inc(i); end; result := z; end; function RiemannFunction(s: Extended): Extended; var term : Extended; ints : integer; def : Extended; begin ints := trunc(s); def := s - ints; if (s <= -2) and (def = 0) and (ints mod 2 = 0) then result := 0 else if s < -1 then begin term := power(2, s) * power(pi, s - 1) * sin(pi * s / 2); result := term * Riemann_Zeta_Function(1 - s) * Gamma(1 - s); end else result := Riemann_Zeta_Function(s); end; procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); const n = 400; var zeta, s, star: Extended; ch, i : integer; min, max, dx: Extended; gyi : Extended; begin val(labeledEdit1.Text, s, ch); if ch <> 0 then begin application.MessageBox('入力値に間違いがあります','注意',0); exit; end; memo1.Clear; GrphF := False; zeta := riemannFunction(s); star := zeta - 1; if s <> 1 then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('ζ(x) = ' + floatTostr(zeta)); Memo1.Lines.Text := Memo1.Lines.Text + 'ζ(x) - 1 = ' + floatTostr(star); end else begin Memo1.Lines.Add('ζ(x) = ∞'); Memo1.Lines.Text := Memo1.Lines.Text + 'ζ(x) - 1 = ∞'; end; Series1.Clear; Series2.Clear; application.ProcessMessages; gyi := 30; if s < -3 then gyi := MaxDouble / 2; if abs(zeta) < gyi then Series2.AddXY(s, zeta); GrphF := True; min := round(s - 2); max := round(s + 3); dx := (max - min) / n; for i := 0 to n do begin s := i * dx + min; zeta := riemannFunction(s); if abs(zeta) <= gyi then Series1.AddXY(s, zeta,'', $FF8000) else begin if zeta > gyi then zeta := gyi; if zeta < -gyi then zeta := -gyi; if zeta > 0 then Series1.AddXY(s, gyi,'', clbtnface) else Series1.AddXY(s, -gyi,'', clbtnface); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin memo1.Clear; end; end.